Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Damon Dunn

Stacey Lewis interviews candidate Damon Dunn. Meet the man behind the campaign. http://www.everywaywoman.com/, http://www.damondunn.com/

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why is February Black History Month?

"Every February, Americans celebrate Black History Month. This tribute dates back to 1926 and is credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. Woodson. The son of former slaves, Woodson dedicated his life to ensuring that black history was accurately documented and disseminated.

"In an effort to bring national attention to the contributions of black Americans, Woodson organized the first annual Negro History Week in 1926. He chose the second week of February in honor of the birthdays of pivotal black supporters Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln."

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love shouldn't hurt...ever

Highlights from the radio show 2/12/10
You can download the entire show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/every-way-woman

Links to stop violence against women.


1. It is okay to be single.

2. Love shouldn't hurt.

3. If he threatens to leave then let him leave.

4. Stop letting the pressure of being in relationship keep you in a nightmare.

5. God didn't put you on earth to be a punching bag.

6. He swears it will never happen again but Yes it will.

7. Will he kill you this time?

8. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.

9. Love yourself first.

10. Stop trying to please others.

11. You are worth it.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Politics As Usual

Politics As Usual

Hide and Seek
Have you seen our so-called Black leaders and organizations? Are they camped outside media outlets demanding justice? Have they called for boycotts on those whom support Senator Harry Reid? The answer is NO.

So-Called Champions of Black Equality
Shame on you Mr. President, Mr. Sharpton, Representative James Clyburn, The NAACP, The Congressional Black Caucus, Jim Clyburn, Donna Brazile, Julian Bond, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and Rep. Barbara Lee for excusing racist remarks in the name of politics because you need Reid support on health care reform.

Mr. Reid comment on "light skin Blacks" and "dark skin Blacks" continue to play into media stereotypes regarding Blacks. I am pissed every single time I hear he is so articulate. What are you really saying?

The So-Call Champions Own Words

Senator Reid Words
Mr. Reid said at the time: “If you tell ethnic jokes in the back room, it’s that much easier to say ethnic things publicly. I’ve always practiced how I play.”

The words of State Senator Barack Obama
On Dec. 12, 2002, Obama, then serving as an Illinois state senator and filling in as host of the Cliff Kelley radio show on WVON, challenged the Republican Party to demand Lott's resignation.
"It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do," said Obama.
He added: "The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party."

The words of Senator Barack Obama
"He didn't just cross the line," Obama said. "He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women -- who I hope will be athletes -- that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It's one that I'm not interested in supporting." Imus referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team, most of whom are African-American, as "nappy-headed hos." Obama was the first presidential candidate to say Imus should lose his job for saying them. What should you expect because he also gave Biden a pass for making similar comments. In 2007, Biden called Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

I guess since he is President it race doesn't matters. Unless it involves maybe a Professor and an Officer the President doesn’t care about race unless an election is involved. . Do you remember how fast the President lashed out at Sgt. James Crowley. Do you remember the beer summit?

The words of President Barack Obama
President Obama strongly defended old pal Henry Louis Gates in his dustup with the Cambridge, Mass., police - an incident that renewed the highly charged debate on racial profiling.
"The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home," Obama said.
But Obama also hedged a bit. "Skip Gates is a friend, so I may be a little biased here," he said.
"I don't know not having been there and not knowing all the facts what role race played in the incident," he added, but "race remains a factor in our society."
Obama joked about what might happen to him if he came home and forced the door after his keys didn't work, as Gates said happened to him last week on returning from a foreign trip to his Cambridge residence.
Noting that he now lives at the White House, Obama said to laughter, "Here, I'd get shot."

Obama said in an interview with ABC television that he has "extraordinary respect" for the challenges and hardships that law enforcement officers face every day in their line of work. But at the same time he said he didn't think the arrest was necessary.
Obama said "cooler heads should have prevailed" in the incident. But he did not retract his initial statement that he thought police had "acted stupidly" and said such incidents "get elevated in ways that probably don't make much sense."

The Rev. Al Sharpton of New York offered his support for Mr. Reid after receiving a telephone call from him. He said that while Mr. Reid “did not select the best word choice in this instance,” the comments should not distract Congress or the White House.

The Media
Yet, the media were not as forgiving of Lott’s remarks almost four years ago. Chris Matthews said on the December 9, 2002, “Hardball,” “When he said my state, he meant the whites of my state is what he meant,” and: “That was a serious moment there when he made that statement. That wasn't a joke.” Matthews continued: "Isn't this an exposure, Donna, to the fact that a lot of people call themselves Republicans today are basically guys hiding in Republican cloth and they're, in fact, Dixiecrats to the heart of it and that's why they're in politics, to slow things down?” He concluded: “This guy has got to do a little further clarifying.”

From this day forward Al Sharpton and his cronies doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes t racism. Where are the so-called Black leaders and their phony anger and outraged over Senator Reid's comments? I will tell you where they are at; they are hiding from the cameras that they usually love. If we as a race expect to be taking serious when we cry racism then we cannot play favorites. From this moment on Black leaders won't be taken serious, as if they ever where, when the cry racism. The President dealt the race card during the 2008 Presidential campaign. But what can you expect this is the same President that supports Dick Durbin and the elimination of the DC Voucher program.

My outrage also is with Black American. A friend told me that I hate Black folks. When will we step up to the plate and lead our own race. Wow we have to get real.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon resigns as part of plea deal

Women are reshaping politics.

As Every Way Woman follow women who are reshaping politics we realize there will be times that we will have to report on the ugly side of politics and power. It is very rare to see a female politician at the center of scandal unless she is the wife of a politician. But today Baltimore's Mayor Shelia Dixon agreed to a plea deal after a four-year investigation.

Sheila Dixon was the city's first female mayor. Her plea deal included that she step down as mayor and resign from office. The drama surrounding Ms Dixon and the city is coming to a close.

A choked up Ms Dixon said, “Today is a sad day,” there was no sign of the tough political image she is known for. “It is a cloud. But the sun comes out,” Ms Dixon said. Ms Dixon fought back the tears as she made her announcement.

What is disturbing to me is that Ms Dixon is accuse of stealing from the poor yet Ms. Dixon, a 56-year-old Democrat, gets to keep her city pension, which she would have had to forfeit with a conviction on her record. Plus her record will be wiped clean after completing all terms of the plea deal. I am sure this offer isn't made to every ex con after she completes her probation. She acknowledged that she made poor choices and that she "disappointed" herself and her constituents.

Ms Dixon potential as Mayor and as a political star was unstoppable. She won praise for her shrewd hires and firm, no-nonsense leadership. Violent crime declined during her tenure, with homicides hitting a 20-year low. She revamped the city's trash collection service, resulting in a big increase in recycling, and she partnered with other big-city mayors to call for tougher penalties for gun offenders.

But she has long been dogged by questions about her ethics, and after her indictment in January 2009, her administration seemed to stall, with several key positions remaining unfilled for months.

The irony of the story is that after satisfying her probation requirements she will be eligible to run for office again. Can you say Marion Berry?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Michelle Obama More Than A Fashion Icon

For the next twelve months Every Way Woman will highlight women and how they are reshaping politics.

On January 20, 2009 Michelle Obama officially became the First Lady of the United States of America. I have always been curious about such a title bestowed on a woman married to the most powerful man in the world. In recent and past Presidencies the First Lady is seen as a likable figure around the world even if the President approval numbers are tanking in the polls.

In my opinion the First Lady is the only person the President turns to for real advice.

I can imagine that the last year for Ms Obama has been a none stop adventure. With that said I am hoping if not praying to see the first lady become more than a fashion icon. My anger and frustration grows as the media and magazines continue to push her fashion style on women. It implies that women only care about fashion, hairstyles and makeup. There’s this notion developing that women don’t care about the issues as long as we look good. Yes she is graceful and stylist but there is more to Michelle Obama than fashion. It is sending the wrong message to young girls.

I am hoping that this year will be the year that American will see an educated woman putting her experience and platform to good use.

Here at Every Way Woman, we will wait for the moment that Michelle Obama handlers care less about fashion and more about the woman.