The worst thing about being single during this rough economic time is that you do not have a partner to help you with the bills. The best thing about being single during this time is that I do not have to help anyone else with their bills.
I have been supporting myself for seventeen years, with the very much-appreciated occasional loan from my mom. I have experienced the recession of the early nineties. I experienced the tech boom of the late nineties, and the real estate boom that has only recently burst. The common thread of all of this is that no matter what the economy is , I’m still broke.
In the past when my bank account was empty, it was my own fault. I needed to get my hair done buy a new outfit to wear to the club. …and after one Cadillac margarita with silver Patron, I somehow became rich and had plenty of money to buy a few more drinks for me and my friends.
To cover my frivolous spending I would work over time. I become an aggressive salesperson. I am now a displaced auto saleswoman.
While working at the dealership I never took a day off. I worked from morning till midnight. I slept, got up, got dressed and went back to work first thing in the morning. My paychecks reflected all the hard work I had put in. My work ethic has not changed but the business has.
We were so pushy, we would run customers out the door.
Now, no one even comes in the door, not even to get her old car serviced much less buy a new one
I have not gone to a beauty salon in nine months. I have not gone out to a nightclub or purchased a new outfit in at least eight months.
I spend the beginning of every month crying to my landlord trying to explain to him why my rent is late again. My car came very close to being repossess several times.
I sometimes feel like it would be reassuring and comforting if I had someone to come home to. How great it would feel to have strong arms to fall into after working twelve long hours on my feet and not selling a thing.
Then I think about what has been my reality. None of the men in my life have ever been comforting or reassuring, hence why I am still single. As a single person living alone, I can search the net or read business books uninterrupted. I focus on me. Sometimes I come up with ideas to help myself. There are times when I am drowning in my tears because I cannot pay my rent again. I romanticize about a knight in shining armor rescuing me
you know the Pretty Woman fantasy.
Since that is never going to happen, the Wonder Woman inside of me figures out a way and to rescue herself once again. The strength I have to take care of myself is priceless.
Ladies, the blessing in this tough economic time is that we can do it on our own. It is not easy but we are Every Way Women and when tough times hit us, we hit back. We do it with style
and we make it look like a stroll down the fashion runway.
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